GRAISyHM, a scientific interest group supported by the Hauts-de-France region, organizes every year a day to bring together PhD students in automation, computer engineering and signal processing.
This year, the day Journée Régional des Doctorants en Automatique is organized the 14th of June, by the Centre d’Enseignement, de Recherche et d’Innovation (CERI) Systèmes Numériques (SN) of the IMT Nord Europe in order to bring together mainly doctoral students, but also post-docs and teacher-researchers in the Hauts-de-France region. The ttheme of this day is “Valorization of doctoral students’ skills in the Region Hauts de France”.
The goal of this day is to present and exchange on their thesis work with the regional community. The participants will attend different presentations and testimonies on the different aspects of the life of a PhD student and on the post-doctoral period. Each doctoral student will present their research in 60 seconds, and then participate in a poster session offering them the opportunity to further develop their work. A prize for the best poster will be awarded. The day will conclude with a visit of the CERI SN platforms of the IMT Nord Europe.
Registration is free but mandatory, and can be done here.